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Karpaga Vinayagar Temple    

Karpagam Gardens lay out was formed in the year 1972 and the Residents started occupying their respective houses. Unfortunately no open space for park/play ground or Temple had been allotted.  It was in the minds of the residents of Karpagam Gardens, to have a place of worship. Some of the religious minded residents got together and started chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam during Dhanaurmasam (15th December to 15th January) by going round all the streets within the colony in the early hours of the day. Then it became weekly chanting throughout the year in individual houses. The response was very good and encouraging.

Since this motivated other residents also, it was decided to organize Sri Rama Navami and Sita Kalyana Mahotsavam as Annual Celebrations. The first Celebration was held in the year 1981, and for four years the Celebrations were conducted in individual houses. During the Celebration, Devotional lectures, Bhajans and Music Concerts were arranged and this further enthused the residents’ sense of participation.

In the year 1983, it was decided to have Sri Vinayakar Temple, and a small place located in 2nd Link Street to construct Temple. Circular was sent to residents, requesting them to donate liberally for the noble cause as a Temple is a must for a well developed colony like Karpagam Gardens.   The response from the colony residents was very encouraging, and the Bhoomi Puja was performed on 12th February, 1984.  A plan was prepared and locations were marked for the installation of Deities. The main Deity was Sri Vinayakar and Ghoshta Devatas were Sri. Bala Murugan, Sri Ashtabhuja Durga Parameswari, Sri Maha Vishnu, Sri Dakshina murthy and Sri Anjaneyar. As desired by the devotees the plan was shown to Sri Maha Periaval of Kanchi Mutt, who readily blessed and approved the plan.

While the construction was in progress, it was learnt that a Vinayakar Idol (Valampuri Vinayakar - said to be rare) was lying in a factory at Ambattur Industrial Estate. The owner Mr.Ramakrishanan (since no more) voluntarily came forward to donate this  idol for installation in the proposed Temple.Infact this idol was meant to be exported for installation in a foreign country, but due to some hiccups in observing the customs formalities, it could not be exported. Thus we were fortunate enough to have this idol for our Temple. It looked as though Sri Karpaga Vinayakar Himself chose our colony as a comfortable place for His Abode. The Vinayakr idol was brought from Ambathur during March, 1984, and was kept in the car shed of one of the residents. An Archakar was appointed to perform the daily puja and abhishekam to the Deity. Simultaneously order was placed for other Ghoshta Devathas.The Temple Project was progressing as planned. A society was formed as “Karpagam Gardens Sat Sangh” during April, 1984 to manage the make shift temple activities and also to supervise the construction of the proposed Temple.  

It was decided to perform the KUMBHABHISHEKAM on 27th January, 1985.The Yaga Sala Puja, Homam etc., were performed on 25th January, 1985, and on 26th January the Idols were installed at the respective places as planned. This was followed by Maha Kumbhabhishekam to all Deities on 27th January at 9.30 A.M. All the Devotees and the residents of KARPAGAM GARDENS were overwhelmed with joy at the fulfillment of their wishes.  Mandalabhishekam was performed for 48 days from 28th January, 1985.During the Mandalabhishekam, religious and cultural activities were held. Though the Kumbhabhishekam was successfully performed, due to lack funds, fully covered mandapam in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum could not be constructed. A temporary thatched pandal was erected for the convenience of the Devotees.  During the year 1986, work was started to construct the Mandapam and Samprokshanam was performed during February, 1987. In the meantime Silver Kavachams for all the deities were presented to the Temple by many Devotees and the same used to adorne the Deities during the festival times. The Kavachams and all valuables are insured against the risk of fire and burglary.

As desired by the Devotees of the colony, it was decided to celebrate the Kumbhabhishekam day on 26th January every year with appropriate Homam, and to hold cultural activities such as Bhajans, Devotional Lectures, Music concerts encouraging young artists to exhibit their talents.  The First Anniversary function was arranged in the month of January, 1986. Since then every year the Anniversary function is being arranged starting with Sri Maha Ganapathi Homam and followed by a Special Homams.  Sri Suktha Homam, Navagraha Homam, Laghu Sahasra Ganapathy Atharvaseersha Homam, Sri Durga Homam, Sri Navachandi Homam, Sri Sudarsana Homam, Sri Purusha Suktha Homam  Mrithiunjaya Homam are a few of the Homams that were performed  for the welfare of the Universe..

The success and the popularity of the cultural programmes during Anniversary and Sri Rama Navami Celebrations, made us to initiate Sri Thyagara Swamigal Aradhana Festival from the year 1990, along with the Anniversary Programme.  Since then many leading Vidwans and Vidushees along with accompaniment artists are participating and paying Homage to Sri Thyagaraj Swamigal by rendering Pancha Rathna Keerthanas      

It is customary to perform Kumbhabhishekam once in twelve years so that the loss of the spiritual power infused in the Deities is recharged and retained fully. Preliminary work, such as repairing, painting of Vimanam and figures of the Deities over the Mandapam were done. Black granite slabs were used for the praharam and Kotta marble stones were laid on the Mandapam. On 23rd march, 1997, Kumbhabhishekam was performed to all the Deities. The Mandalabhishekam was performed for 48 days from 24th March, 1997.

The Temple and residents of the colony were blessed by the visits of Sri Sringeri Swamigal on 29th April,1988, Sri Kanchi Swamigal with Sri Bala Periayaval  on 8th July,1988 and Sri Balaperiyaval on 29th January,2003.

Since Ashtabandanam for the Ghoshta Deities became weak, the necessity arose to renew them. After replacing the binding with new ones Kumbhabhishekam on a small scale was performed on 27th July, 2002. 


The Karpagam Gardens Sat Sangh though formed in the year 1984, was registered in the year 1986 as a Society. Since the date of inception of the Sat Sangh General Body Meetings were conduced regularly, office bearers elected, and accounts, maintained and audited by  a Chartered Accountant. The Sat Sangh got registered under the
Income tax Act as a Religious Institution to abide by the regulatory provisions in such matters as investments of surplus funds, accumulation of funds  and utilization of collection from the public.    

A new Committee under the name Sri Maha Rudra Committee was inaugurated to hold Sri Rudra Ekadasini Paryanam on every month and to perform Sri Maharudram once in two years. Sri Maha Rudram was performed in the year 2003, 2004, 2006 and in the year 2008 with Sri Maha Chandi Homam.

Apart from the above, Special functions are arranged as and when occasions demand Sat Sangh used to collect a Rs.120/- annually as minimum on calendar year basis towards the Temple Maintenance from the Devotees /Residents of the colony and neighboring colonies. During the General Body Meeting held in July 2005, it was decided to enhance the contribution to Rs. 200/- as a minimum contribution. The Sat Sangh is  having Life Membership  for which Rs.300/-is being collected as one time payment. The Sat Sangh is having a scheme called NAKSHATRA ABHISHEKAM, for which Rs.2,500/- as one time payment is collected from the devotee and Abhisekam to the Deity is being performed till the life time of the particular Devotee on a specific date as desired by the Devotee once a year. The Sat Sangh is very particular in informing the Devotees well in advance and requesting them to attend the Abhishekam. 

The Sat Sangh is sending circulars regarding all important functions that are being performed in Temple to all residents of the colony, Life Members and also Devotees residing outside the colony. Executive Committee of Sat Sangh is taking all efforts to perform most of the religious activities in a befitting manner to the satisfaction of all Devotees and   at the same time Sat Sangh expects full attendance and co-operation from every body. Sat Sangh will be happy if youngsters of the colony come forward and volunteer to render service on special occasions.

For all functions it was necessary to erect Shamiana or a thatched pandal to enable the devotees to have a comfortable seating for their participation in the functions. This involves high expenditure. An appeal was circulated to all residents and devotees in this regard and requested for liberal contribution to erect a permanent fabricated shed. The Sat Sangh received a good response from the devotees and now erected a fabricated shed in front of the Temple at a cost of Rs. 3.50 Lakhs. The fabricated area is well illuminated and fixed fans in suitable places. Now the devotees, rasikas and Artists appreciated the action taken by the Sat Sangh.

It gives great satisfactions that the Temple has gained wide popularity and has come to be   recognized as a place of worship. Devotees strongly believe that here is Deity which fulfills their desires. It has therefore become our responsibility to maintain the present status of the Temple and further improve the activities. It has become rather difficult to even manage the normal expenditure on the Temple and continue other activities due to abnormal increase in price of all commodities   from the maintenance collections and interest on Investments. For special functions we have to depend on collections from residents and devotees.  The Committee Members feel embarrassed to make frequent requests to the residents and Devotees of the colony for collection for such special occasions. The Committee therefore feels that, in order to make Sat Sangh self sufficient it is necessary to augment the corpus fund so that the yield from Investments together with the voluntary contributions meet all expenses including the expenditure for special functions It is true that a few liberal minded persons had already contribute substantial amounts and continue to do so every year. It is our humble desire and feeling that, if the residents of the colony and other devotees of affluence volunteer to donate liberally, the corpus fund can be built. The Executive Committee has   appeals the colony residents and also the residents of the colony and through them, their wards who are settled in other places outside Chennai and in other countries to donate liberally to build a comfortable financial base to carry on various religious activities. The contributions may be sent to The Secretary, Karpagam Gardens Sat Sangh , 12/15, 4th Cross Street, Karpagam gardens , Adyar, Chennai – 600 020 India, by Cheque/Demand Draft/ Foreign Currency in favour of KARPAGAM GARDENS SAT SANGH. We look forward your valuable and liberal contributions as early possible

The third Kubhabhishekam was performed on 9th April, 2009, followed by Mandala Puja for 48 days. As part of the 3rd Kmbhabhishekam apart from Mandala Puja for 48 days, we arranged Rag, Shukla Yajur, Krishna Yajur and Samaveda Parayanam by eminent Pandits from 10th to 27th April 2009.

Religious discourses by Dr Sudha Seshayyan, Sri Rajagopala Ganapadigal and Prof. V. Mani on various subjects were arranged from 1st to 10th May 2009.

From 11th to 27th May 2009, we arranged Nama Sankeerthanam and Carnatic Music Concerts by leading artists on respective fields.

Kumbhabhishekam rituals came to end on 23rd May 2009 by performing Sri Ganapathi Puja, Sri Devi Mahthmiyam Parayanam and Sri Chandi Homam.

The entire rituals went on smoothly with the blessings of Sri Karpagam Vinayakar. KGSS extends its thanks to all devotees and well wishers for the successful completion of the kumbhabhishekam festivals.

Thank you and invoking the blessings of Sri Karpaga Vinayakar to one and all Devotees.

© Karpagam Gardens Sat Sangh : Last Updated on Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:07